We are Survivors of the PG&E Fires
Helen sedwick
Helen Sedwick is an attorney and writer. After losing her home in the Nuns Fire, she combined her legal and writing skills to help inform and encourage fire survivors. Volunteering countless hours, she is holding community informational meetings for all fire survivors while helping her Bennett Ridge neighborhood obtain grants to reduce fire risks.
James Finn, MD
James Finn is a critical care physician and cardiac anesthesiologist. Barely escaping with his life, the Tubbs firestorm incinerated his home and his community. He now dedicates time educating fellow fire survivors about financial recovery from PG&E, administering this website and associated FB pages. He also ardently advocates for significantly improved power utility safety.
howard klepper
Howard Klepper has been a lawyer, a Philosophy professor, and a guitar maker. He retired after his home and shop, along with 30 guitars he built by hand, were destroyed by a fire that PG&E caused in 2017. He wants all those who were similarly affected by this greedy and reckless company to maximize their financial recovery.
Robert and Linda Upton
Robert and Linda Upton lost their Glen Ellen home in the Nuns Fire and escaped with only their horses and dogs. They consider themselves fortunate to have rebuilt but are concerned at the misinformation about making claims from PG&E. They want to be sure everyone has the real facts about the process and that friends and neighbors do not regret missing the deadline when PG&E writes large checks next year.